An open industry association

Leader in promoting the greater use of DC and hybrid AC/DC microgrids & power systems

EMerge Alliance Committees and Work Groups

DC and Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids Standards Committee

This is a technical standards committee working on an a vanguard industry standard based on either a DC or hybrid AC/DC systems architecture. The committee is comprise of a core group working on the actual standard as well as several industry vertical segment workgroup who support the committee with use cases and other technical information specific to a particular market segment. Those workgroups are listed below. Members of each workgroup are also members of the core standards group.

Commercial/Industrial Microgrids Workgroup

The Occupied Space Working Group and the Site & Campus/ Whole Building Working Group are housed within the Commercial/Industrial Nanogrids Workgroup. Interested in joining this workgroup? Then click here to email our team member and someone will be in touch.

ICT Infrastructure Microgrids Workgroup

The Data Centers/ Central Office/ Cable Telecom Working Group as well as the Cable Telecommunications Working Group (SCTE Collaboration) are housed within the ICT (Information, Communications, Technology) Infrastructure Workgroup. Interested in joining this committee? Then click here to email our team member and someone will be in touch.

Residential Building Microgrids Workgroup

The Standard Single-Family Housing Working Group and Passive House Working Group (PHIUS Collaboration) fall within this Workgroup. Interested in joining the Residential Building Nanogrids Workgroup? Click here to email our team and someone will be in touch.

Neighborhood & Community Microgrids Workgroup

Interested in joining the Neighborhood & Community Microgrids Workgroup? Click here to email our team and someone will be in touch.

EV Charging Infrastructure Microgrids Workgroup

Interested in joining the EV Charging Infrastructure Nanogrids Workgroup? Click here to email our team and someone will be in touch.

Indoor Agriculture Microgrids Workgroup

Interested in joining the Indoor Agriculture Nanogrids Committee? Click here to email our team and someone will be in touch.

Microgrid Interconnection Technical Standards Committee

This is a technical standards committee working on an a vanguard industry standard to interconnect DC or hybrid AC/DC systems into a “Grid-of-Grids architecture. The committee is comprise of a core group working on the actual standard and has a direct liaison with the DC and Hybrid AC/DC microgrid committee who support the committee with use cases and other technical information specific to the networking functions between microgrids. Members of this commitee may also serve on the DC and Hybrid AC/DC committee.

DC Metering Technical Standards Committee

The DC Metering Working Group (ANSI Collaboration) is housed within this committee. Interested in joining the Sub-System Standards Committee? Click here to email our team and someone will be in touch.

Remote Access DC Microgrids Technical Standards Committee

EMerge Alliance’s collaboration with IEEE P2030.10 falls within the Remote Access DC Microgrids Committee. Interested in joining this committee? Then cCick here to email our team member and someone will be in touch.